A riving knife is a piece of equipment that usually comes with all table saws. It's constructed like a surfboard fin, which keeps the wood away from getting caught. It's because when the riving knife drifts away from the fence

Are Table Saws Safe


Table saws are not as safe as you expect. Although they are useful pieces of equipment and most woodworkers cannot work without them, they can often be extremely dangerous. If you unconsciously work with them, they can cause a deadly accident.

The Journal of Trauma shows that over 30 thousand people fall in the table saw injuries each year, occurring due to kickback. When you’re using your table saw, it may strike your head, chest, or torso if you aren’t conscious about it.

Today, choosing a good quality table saw won’t be enough for you. You should know how to prevent these issues and ensure safety while using a table saw. In this article, we’re talking about that, and here’s the solution for you.

How to Ensure Safety While Using a Table Saw

If you’re an occasional woodcutter, you can choose the best table saw for beginners. It usually comes with such features that give you low chances of injuries. Besides, we’re going to share a few ways to minimize the risk of injuries while using a table saw.

Set a Riving Knife

A riving knife is a piece of equipment that usually comes with all table saws. It’s constructed like a surfboard fin, which keeps the wood away from getting caught. It’s because when the riving knife drifts away from the fence.

Use a Splitter

You can use a splitter instead of a riving knife. A splitter is another piece of equipment that is added to a zero-clearance throat plate. It’s just nubs that serve similar purposes as a riving knife. It also keeps the material from drifting into the blade so that you can make accurate cuts.

Consider a Crosscut Sled

If you consider a crosscut sled, you can prevent kickback and be safe from severe injuries. It’s usually placed so that your hands cannot be cut or damaged due to the blade. It can also transfer the fence to the front of the blade, not from the side.

Always Use a Push Stick

If you push the wood through the blade by your hands, they may get deadly injuries. Instead, using a push stick gets your work done and keeps your hands safe from dangers. You can make your own push stick, or purchase a push stick from the market.

Wear Safety Equipment

Wearing safety equipment, like glasses, goggles, or a face shield is pretty much essential while using the table saw. You may need to wear a dust mask when the cutting operation is dusty. While operating a table saw, avoid wearing gloves, long sleeves, ties, dangling jewelry, or any other loose-fitting clothing. You should tie your hair back.


Whether a table saw is a safe piece of equipment or not entirely depends on how you use it and what safety equipment you wear. If you use it properly, you can minimize the chances of getting injuries. But, if you unconsciously use it and don’t take care of it, it won’t provide you with desired outcomes.

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